Many hog producers face the decision to retrofit to maintain their current finishing barns or to pursue new construction. Often times to minimize costs yet still improve their hog barn performance, hog producers decide to pursue retrofitting their hog buildings. Retrofit projects allow producers to update their existing, older structure that is paid for but is less efficient. By making some minor repairs and replacing key products with more efficient and productive equipment, you may lower your cost of production without taking on the full cost of new construction facilities. To assist with the retrofit process, Double L offers several replacement ceiling and wall inlets that fit into your current rough openings – no need to pay for additional labor to cut different rough openings.
The C2000 (QUAD) Inlet can be replaced with Double L’s JD2900 Insulated Ceiling Inlet. The replacement JD2900 Inlet improves barn air mixing as well as minimizes the air leakage back into the attic. The inlet lids are insulated to minimize condensation, dripping, and freeze-up during very cold weather. And the good news is that the JD2900 has the same size rough opening as the C2000 (QUAD) Inlet. Replacement is as easy as taking out the old screws and putting in new screws. Another advantage of the JD2900 is an increase in air capacity from the original C2000 (QUAD) rating of 1,883 cfm to 2,490 cfm with the JD2900. This is an increase in airflow of 33%.
JD2900 cũng giảm hiện tượng đóng băng đầu vào, cho phép không khí ẩm trong nhà đi vào tầng áp mái khi thời tiết lạnh. Các nhân viên kiểm tra gác mái đã chỉ ra rằng không khí ẩm này có thể gây hại cho các tấm giàn kim loại, lớp cách nhiệt trần và tính toàn vẹn cấu trúc của tòa nhà.
Part 90837 (Winched)
Part 90836 (Counterweighted)
27.5″ x 27.5″ rough opening
Approx. 2,490 cfm @ .05 SP
Ship Weight: 8 lbs
Made In Canada
Double L’s Raydot Replacement Inlets, the RD1200 and RD2400 Raydot Inlets replace the original Raydot Inlets from years ago. They are constructed of a rotomolded single piece housing, which is corrosion resistant. They feature a 1″ lid with a seal around the perimeter to minimize condensation, dripping, and inlet freeze-up. Shutoffs included. Insulation stops are not required. Remember, by using these inlets to replace Raydot Inlets, there is no reframing needed. These replacement inlets will fit into the existing rough openings. Less labor and lower cost is hard to beat with these quality replacement inlets.
Part 90810 (Winched)
Part 90809 (Counterweighted)
23″ x 14″ rough opening
Approx. 1,200 cfm
Part 90814 (Winched)
Part 90813 (Counterweighted)
34″ x 18.5″ rough opening
Approx. 2,400 cfm
Part (Winched)
Part 90847 (Counterweighted)
22.5″ x 22.5″ rough opening
Approx. 2,000 cfm @ 0.05 SP
Part 90535 (Counterweighted)
15.25″ x 18.25″ rough opening
Approx. 1,200 cfm
Approx. 1,200 cfmTJW TopJet Wall Air Inlets have become a great replacement for BIL Inlets. Some previous BIL Inlet problems have included air leakage around the blade into the animal room and the linkage system at times could be hard to adjust compared to the TJW Wall Inlets. TJW TopJet Wall Air Inlets offer quick, easy adjustment to open at different static pressures. Each TJW translucent blade is counterweighted to allow air to be brought in along the ceiling and mix the warmer air at that height with the cooler air near the floor. This mixing helps reduce LP gas costs and helps reduce pig scours by preventing pigs from getting chilled. The TJW Inlet louvers are easier to keep clean and don’t break like the BIL blades. Another great feature is that the airflow capacity can also be increased with the TJW inlets.
BẰNG SÁNG CHẾ SỐ 6,475,078
Part 90519CH
43.75″ x 12.5″ rough opening
Approx. 2,200 cfm @ 0.125 SP
Ship Weight: 13 lbs
Phần 90521CH Mở thô
43,75 "x 23,5"
Khoảng. 4,400 cfm @ 0,125 SP
Trọng lượng tàu: 24 lbs
Nhập khẩu
BẰNG SÁNG CHẾ SỐ 6,475,078
Part 90540CH
29.75″ x 23.5″ rough opening
Approx. 3,000 cfm @ 0.125 SP
Ship Weight: 18 lbs
Phần 90521CH Mở thô
43,75 "x 23,5"
Khoảng. 4,400 cfm @ 0,125 SP
Trọng lượng tàu: 24 lbs
Nhập khẩu
BẰNG SÁNG CHẾ SỐ 6,475,078
Part 90521CH
43.75″ x 23.5″ rough opening
Approx. 4,400 cfm @ 0.125 SP
Ship Weight: 24 lbs
Phần 90521CH Mở thô
43,75 "x 23,5"
Khoảng. 4,400 cfm @ 0,125 SP
Trọng lượng tàu: 24 lbs
Nhập khẩu
BẰNG SÁNG CHẾ SỐ 6,475,078
Part 90522CH
43.75″ x 39.5″ rough opening
Approx. 6,600 cfm @ 0.125 SP
Ship Weight: 34 lbs
Phần 90521CH Mở thô
43,75 "x 23,5"
Khoảng. 4,400 cfm @ 0,125 SP
Trọng lượng tàu: 24 lbs
Nhập khẩu
Double L’s Rotomolded Curtain Pockets help seal curtain edges and protect the hog building curtain from wind damage. Designed with special ultraviolet (UV) stabilizers to eliminate plastic degradation in sunlight, our versatile all-season curtain pockets install in minutes with just a handful of screws. 2″ width flanges for ease of installing on hog confinement buildings and each curtain pocket is tapered from 2″ at the top to 6″ at the bottom. Each curtain pocket is rotomolded of durable non-corrosive polyethylene, providing added strength and durability for power washing. Double L Rotomolded Curtain Pockets are made in the USA and sold in pairs.
Part 16495
18″ x 66″H
2″ width flange
21 lbs per pair
Part 16494
18″ x 78″H
2″ width flange
22 lbs per pair
Part 16498
18″ x 84″H
2″ width flange
23 lbs per pair
Phần 12317
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